Meeting February 26th - Homelessness

Warm-up Activity


Discussion Questions

1. What are the main causes of homelessness?
2. What can governments do to prevent homelessness?
3. What can you do to help homeless people?
4. How do you feel when you see a homeless person?
5. Is homelessness a “hidden” issue for society and homeless people “invisible”?
6. How do you feel when people say homeless people “should just get a job”?

Vocabulary - Expressions

To beg = To ask for as charity
Beggar = a person who begs, esp one who lives by begging
To overcome a difficult situation = to get the better of in a conflict
To put onself in someone else's shoes = to allow oneself to see or experience something from someone else's point of view.

Adapted from: (February 2014)
Adapted by Alejandra Jiménez Quintero (for educational purposes)

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